P.P. Heiztechnik Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. is implementing the project co-financed by European Funds “Implementation of an innovative line of pellet burners”.
under Intelligent Development Operational Programme 2014-2020, Measure 3.2 “Support for implementation of results of R&D works”, Sub-measure: 3.2.2 “Loan for technological innovations”
The project consists in implementing its own new technology and launching the production of pellet burners. The project will result in the establishment of a modern production plant with a production line for burners.
Project value: PLN 5,289,000.00
European Funds contribution: PLN 1,938,000.00
We are implementing the project within the framework of Measure 2.2 Profiled projects, Submeasure 2.2.1 Profiled projects – grant support under Priority Axis 2 Enterprises of the Regional Operational Programme for the Pomeranian Province for 2014-2020.
The project aims to improve the competitiveness of HT- GEO Sp. z o.o. by introducing new heat pump products. The purchase of equipment and machinery will allow you to establish your own technological line for the production of heat pumps and develop the enterprise on the domestic and foreign markets.
Project value: PLN 2,460,000.00
European Funds contribution: PLN 780,000.00