Straw-run boilers and furnaces
Large industrial plants, municipal institutions and farmers often use specialised straw-fuelled furnaces or straw-fuelled boilers to heat their buildings and other premises. There are many different models and types of straw-fuelled furnaces on the market. The straw burnt in straw-fuelled furances or boilers comes in the form of cubes or bales, and depending on the model and the size of the boiler, up to 8 cubes or 1 to 3 bales of straw can be burnt at one time. This not only saves time when refilling the boiler, but also guarantees an extended period of space heating.
Straw-fuelled central heating furnaces – what should I look for when choosing one?
Depending on the model and manufacturer, straw-fuelled central heating furnaces differ from competing models not only in dimensions, but also in technical data, including, among other things, power, maximum operating temperature, furnace capacity or even technological connection.
Heiztechnik has several models of both furnaces and boilers run on straw in its range. The products not only feature high technical parameters, but above all they are competitively priced. Each furnace or boiler should use a heat buffer, which in turn should be individually adjusted by the fitting company, in consultation with the designer for proper and safe work. The product is equipped with additional flue gas sensors, as well as outputs for the buffer pump and the central heating circulation pump. Spare parts can be purchased if a straw-fuelled boiler or furnace breaks down.